On Grounds School

The On-Grounds school at Academy Programs is located on campus at 5 Crosswind Drive, Fairmont, West Virginia. The school is under the West Virginia Department of Education's WV SCHOOLS OF DIVERSION AND TRANSITION. The school has a principal, guidance counselor, teachers and support staff on site. The school is funded and operated by WVDST. Teachers are certified through the West Virginia Department of Education. The school offers a full curriculum for all students and their individual academic needs. Also, students may obtain a TASC or attend college while at Academy Programs through the guidance of OIEP staff.

In addition to a regular and full school year which begins in August and concludes in June, the school at Academy Programs offers two summer sessions in which students may earn credits towards high school graduation. For more information call the school at 304-363-3406.

Youth Academy, LLC of Fairmont, West Virginia
American Re-Education Association Council on Accreditation